
时间:2015-07-29| 访问:185
      7月28日上午,法国鲁贝国立高等纺织工程师学院曾宪奕教授,受邀到无线电管理技术研究中心作了题为“Knowledge-Based Textile Supply Chain in the Big Data Environment”的专题学术报告。中心常务副主任裴峥教授、部分研究生、陕西理工学院实习生以及部分老师参加了此次学术盛宴,报告由裴教授主持。




出生日期 : 1963年5月24日
任职单位 : 法国鲁贝国立高等纺织工程师学院
职务 : 一级教授,设计和管理系主任
专业 : 信息技术在纺织工程的应用

      担任AUTEX(欧洲纺织大学联合会)信息科学组的协调人,国际IEEE学会的Senior Member,IEEE-SMC学会设计和营销技术委员会的委员,法国国家级科研计划ANR的材料和生产学科和信息科学的评审委员,法国北方自动化协会学术委员会成员和人机交互分会负责人。中国长江学者项目的海外评审委员。中国千人计划的海外评审委员。中国卓越工程师项目主讲。Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems副主编,Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics的特邀编委,以及IEEE-SMC,IEEE-PAMI等10种国际研究期刊的审稿人。自2004 年起陆续担任东华大学,苏州大学,西南交通大学和武汉纺织大学特聘或讲座教授,2013年作为创新人才入选湖北省百人计划。

1988年10 月~1992年2月,法国里尔科技大学国家自动化研究中心读研究生,获博士学位。
1999年7月~1999年8月,香港理工大学,纺织和服装系,Research Fellow。


1. CCM - 以市场需求为导向的纺织供应链的设计与优化,来源于法国国家工业研发支撑项目(FUI),300万欧元,2013-2016
2. SMDTex - 可持续纺织管理和设计国际联合博士项目,来源于欧盟Erasmus Mundus,650万欧元,2012-2017
3. Camille 3D – 建立一个智能化,包容舒适性和感性信息及氛围的个体化虚拟试衣系统,来源于法国国家工业研发支撑项目(FUI),400万欧元,2011-2015
4. SUCRE - 开发面向灾害管理的人机交互系统:消防员智能衣的设计,来源于法国北加莱地区ARCIR科研计划,15万欧元,2014-2017
5. IOTFetMov - -实时监测孕妇生理和心理信号的交互式智能服装设计,来源于法国国家级科研计划(ANR),60万欧元,2014-2018
6. SMART_FIT_IN - 建立一个智能化的个体虚拟试衣系统和生产系统,来源于欧盟H2020科研计划,700万欧元,2015-2018
7. 开发优化幸福感和舒适度的辅助面料和成衣设计系统,DAMART公司资助,18万欧元,2007-2010
8. 开发面向热舒适度的面料和成衣设计系统,Decathlon公司资助,20万欧元,2008-2010

[P1] B.RABENASOLO, X.ZENG, “A Risk-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Sustainable Development in the Textile Supply Chain” in the book Risk Management in Decision Making: Intelligent Methodologies and Applications (Editors: J.LU and G.ZHANG), Springer, Berlin, September 2011
[P2] X.ZENG, D.RUAN and L.KOEHL, “Intelligent sensory evaluation: concepts, implementations and applications” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol.77, n°5-6, May 2008, pp.443-452, IF (Impact Factor): 0.93
[P3] L.KOEHL, X.ZENG, B.ZHOU and Y.DING, “Intelligent sensory evaluation of industrial products for exploiting consumer’s preference”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol.77, n°5-6, May 2008, pp.522-530, IF: 0.93
[P4] C.HOU, Y.DING, X.ZENG and Y.CUI, “Kernel clustering for fabric evaluation”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol.77, n°5-6, May 2008, pp.540-549, IF: 0.93
[P5] X.LIU, X.ZENG, Y.XU, L.KOEHL, “A fuzzy model of customer satisfaction index in e-commerce”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol.77, n°5-6, May 2008, pp.512-521, IF: 0.93
[P6] Y. Gao, G. Zhang, J. Lu, X. Zeng and T. Dillon, “A l-cut approximate algorithm for goal-based bilevel risk management system”, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, vol.7, n°4, 2008, pp.589610, IF: 1.31
[P7] P.VROMAN, L.KOEHL, X.ZENG and T.CHEN, “Designing structural parameters of nonwovens using fuzzy logic and neural networks”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, vol.1, n°4, 2008, pp.329-339, IF: 0.35
[P8] Y.CHEN, X.ZENG, M.HAPPIETTE, P.BRUNIAUX, R.NG, W.YU, “Optimization of garment design using fuzzy logic and sensory evaluation techniques”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol.22, 2009, pp.272-282, IF: 1.44
[P9] B.ZHOU, X.ZENG, L.KOEHL and Y.DING, "An intelligent technology based method for interpreting sensory evaluation data provided by multiple panels", International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, vol.16, n°5, 2008, pp.683-698, IF: 1.15
[P10] J.LU, Y.ZHU, X.ZENG, L.KOEHL, J.MA and G.ZHANG, “A linguistic multi-criteria group decision support system for fabric hand evaluation”, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Vol.8, n°4, December 2009, pp.395-413, IF: 1.06
[P11] X.ZENG, Y.ZHU, L.KOEHL, M.CAMARGO, C.FONTEIX and F.DELMOTTE, “A fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation method for designing fashion oriented industrial products”, Soft Computing, vol.14, n°12, 2010, pp.1277-1285, IF: 1.39
[P12] J.LIU, B.ZUO, X.ZENG, P.VROMAN, B.RABENASOLO, “Nonwoven Uniformity Identification using Wavelet Texture Analysis and LVQ Neural Network”, Expert Systems with Application, Vol.37, n°3, 2009, pp.2241-2246, IF: 2.91
[P13] X.DENG, X.ZENG, P.VROMAN and L.KOEHL, “Selection of relevant variables for industrial process modelling by combining experimental data sensitivity and human knowledge”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol.23, n°8, 2010, pp.1368-1379, IF: 1.44
[P14] J.LU, J.MA, G.ZHANG, Y.ZHU, X.ZENG and L.KOEHL, “Well-being theme based evaluation in new product development using fuzzy hierarchical criteria group decision method”, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, vol.58, n°6, June 2010, pp.2236-2246, IF: 5.47
[P16] Y.ZHU, D.RUAN, X.ZENG, L.KOEHL and C.CHAIGNEAU, “Characterization of fashion themes using fuzzy techniques for designing new human centered products”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, vol.3, n°4, October 2010, pp.452460, IF: 1.44
[P17] H.KANG, A.PINTI, A.TALEB-AHMED and X.ZENG, “An intelligent generalized system for tissue classification on MR images by integrating qualitative medical knowledge”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol.6, n°1, 2011, pp.21-26, IF: 0.6
[P18] X.DENG, X.ZENG, P.VROMAN and L.KOEHL, “An intelligent multi-criteria optimization method for quick and market-oriented textile material design”, Journal of Global Optimization, vol.51, n°2, 2010, pp.227-244, IF: 1.45
[P19] J.LIU, B.ZUO, P.VROMAN, B.RABENASOLO, X.ZENG, “Visual Quality Recognition of Nonwovens using Generalized Gaussian Density Model and Robust Bayesian Neural Network”, Neurocomputing, vol.74, 2011, pp.2813-2823, IF: 1.44
[P20] J.LIU, B.ZUO, X.ZENG, P.VROMAN and B.RABENASOLO, “Wavelet energy signatures and robust Bayesian neural network for visual quality recognition of nonwovens”, Expert Systems with Applications, vol.38, 2011, pp.8497-8508, IF: 2.91
[P21] L.WANG, X.ZENG, L.KOEHL and Y.CHEN, “From body measurements to human perception of body shapes: modeling using intelligent techniques”, International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, vol.5, n°1, 2013, pp.74-90
[P22] R.AND JELIL, X.ZENG, L.KOEHL and A.PERWUELZ, “Modeling plasma surface modification of textile fabrics using artificial neural networks”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, accepted in March 2013, IF: 1.96.
[P23] Z.XUE, X.ZENG, L.KOEHL and Y.CHEN, “Measuring consistency of two datasets and the concept of indiscernibility: application to human perception on fabrics”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol.36, 2014, pp.54-63, IF: 1.96.
[P24] L.WANG, X.ZENG, L.KOEHL and Y.CHEN, “Intelligent fashion recommender system: fuzzy logic in personalized garment design”, IEEE Trans. on Human Machine Systems, accepted in October 2014, IF: 2.55.
[P25] A.MOUSSA, D.DUPONT, D.STEEN and X. ZENG, “Color change as a result of textile transformations”, Coloration Technology, Vol 124, Issue 4, 2008, page 234-242, IF: 1.13
[P26] M.DIMASSI, L.KOEHL, X.ZENG, A.PERWUELZ, “Pore network modeling using image processing techniques: application to the non-woven material”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol.20, n°3, 2008, pp.137-149, IF: 0.53
[P27] Y.CHEN, X.ZENG, M.HAPPIETTE, P.BRUNIAUX, R.NG, W.YU, “A new method of ease allowance generation for personalization of garment design”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol.20, n°3, 2008, pp.161-173, IF: 0.53
[P28] X.ZENG, “An overview on computational techniques in textile engineering”, Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, Vol.1, n°3, 2008, pp.177-184, ISSN 1940-8676
[P29] A. MOUSSA, D. DUPONT, D.STEEN and X.ZENG, “Multi-angle study on colour of textile structures”, Color Research and Application, Vol.34, Issue 4, 2009, pp.274-284, IF: 0.82
[P30] X. DENG, P. VROMAN, X. ZENG and L. KOEHL, “Determination of Relevant Process Operation Setting Space for Developing Multifunctional Nonwoven-based Products”Textile Research Journal, Vol.79, n°15, 2009, pp.1378-1388, IF: 1.1
[P31] G. AGARWAL, L. KOEHL, X. ZENG and V.K. KOTHARI, “Determination of compatibility of fabric sample for particular apparel by advance computing techniques”, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, Vol.34, n°3, September 2009, pp.258-266, IF: 0.1
[P32] J.HU, X.DING, X.ZENG and L.KOEHL, “Effect of instantaneous compression responses of fabric on tactile textures”, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, vol.34, n°1, 2009, pp.52-58, IF: 0.1
[P33] J.LIU, B.ZUO, P.VROMAN, B.RABENASOLO, X.ZENG, L.BAI, “Visual quality recognition of nonwovens using Wavelet texture analysis and robust Bayesian neural network”, Textile Research Journal, Vol.80, 2010, pp.1278-1289, IF: 1.1
[P34] J.LIU, B.ZUO, P.VROMAN, B.RABENASOLO, X.ZENG, “Identification of nonwoven uniformity using generalized Gaussian density and fuzzy neural network”, Journal of the Textile Institute, vol.101, n°12, December 2010, pp.1080-1094, IF: 0.36
[P35] E.BERTAUX, S.DERLER, V.VENTENAT, L.KOEHL, X.ZENG, “Textile, physiological and sensorial parameters in sock comfort”, Textile Research Journal, Vol.80, n°17, 2010, pp.1803-1910, IF: 1.1
[P36] A.MOUSSA, D.DUPONT, D.STEEN and X.ZENG, “Structure analysis and surface simulation of woven fabrics using fast Fourier transform techniques”, Journal of the Textile Institute, Vol.101, n°6, May 2010 pp.556-570, IF: 0.38
[P37] J.LIU, B.ZUO, X.ZENG, P.VROMAN, B.RABENASOLO and W.GAO, “Visual conformity recognition of nonwovens with contourlet energy features and K-NN classifier”, Fibers and Polymers, vol.12, n°4, 2011, pp.541-545, IF: 0.53
[P38] J.LIU, B.ZUO, X.ZENG, P.VROMAN, B.RABENASOLO and G.ZHANG, “A comparison of robust Bayesian and LVQ Neural Network for visual recognition of nonwovens”, Textile Research Journal, vol.81, n°8, 2011, pp.763-777, IF: 1.1
[P39] H.ALIBI, F.FAYALA, A.JEMNI and X.ZENG, “A neural network system for prediction of thermal resistance of knit fabrics”, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media, 2012, vol.3, n°.1, pp.2151-4798
[P40] R.Abd Jelil, X.Zeng; L.Koehl and A.Perwuelz, “Most relevant parameters of woven fabric structure controlling atmospheric air-plasma treatments”, Textile Research Journal, vol.82, n°18, November, 2012, pp.1859-1869, IF: 1.1
[P41] Hamza Alibi , Faten Fayala , Naoufel Bhouri , Abdelmajid Jemni & Xianyi Zeng, “An optimal artificial neural network system for designing knit stretch fabrics”, Journal of The Textile Institute, January 2013, IF: 0.51.
[P42] Z.Xue, X.Zeng, L.Koehl and Y.Chen, “Extracting fabric hand information from visualrepresentations of flared skirts”, Textile Research Journal, accepted in March 2013, IF: 1.1.
[P43] A.Rasheed, X.Zeng and S.Thomassey, “An approach to design a fuzzy logic model for the ease allowance - calculation in a loose fitting knee length ladies trouser”, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, Vol.8, n°4, 2013, IF: 0.81.
[P44] Z.Xue, X.Zeng, L.Koehl and Y.Chen, “Extracting fabric hand information from visual representations of flared skirts”, Textile Research Journal, vol.84, n°.3, 2014, IF: 1.33.

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